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Influencer Marketing in the Tech Sector in 2023


Key figures, major players, share of voice, inspiring campaigns and trends for 2023

What will you learn in this report ?

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In a dynamic where competition is fierce and target audiences are increasingly looking for sensations and experiences, the technology industry definitely seems to have a bright future ahead of it.

Indeed, as innovations keep flooding the sector, brands have been able to rely on the prescription power of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) to create a new lasting relationship with the population. By strengthening their presence on social platforms and developing different and creative devices alongside relevant content creators, they have managed to effectively reinvent themselves.

Where are we in the Influencer Marketing market in the tech sector? On which platforms is it relevant to deploy an Influencer Marketing campaign today? Who are the tech KOLs to activate in 2023? How can mobile applications design effective Influence collaborations?

In this report, we wanted to bring all the strategic and operational keys to professionals in the technology industry to understand the contours of Influencer Marketing sustainably and to better master it.

What will you find in this report :


1. Tech Industry: Influence in Numbers
A. Key Figures for Tech Brands (All Segments Combined) In the World
B. Key Figures for «Electronics» Brands Worldwide
C. Key Figures of the «Gaming» Brands in the world
D. Key Figures for «Telecommunications & Telephony» brands worldwide
E. Key figures of the «Mobile Applications» brands in the world
2. Technology Brands and Influencer Marketing in 2023: The State of Play
3. A tour of the Key Social Platforms and Types of Influencer Marketing Campaigns
A. The Art of the Product Review on Youtube
B. Instagram, the Cradle of Fame and Visibility for Tech Brands
C. More Interaction and Engagement on Twitch
D. Micro-Influencers and Authenticity on TikTok
 4. When Influencer Marketing Comes to Mobile Applications
5. Top-5 Tech KOLs to Watch in 2023

6.Influencer Marketing and Technology Brands: 5 Successful Campaigns to Learn From in 2023

A. Dyson Ambassadors

B. The Preview in the Gaming World

C. When Tourism and experience Merge With Unu

D. The Beauty World Goes High-Tech

E. Making the Inaccessible Accessible With Adobe

gaming imd
tech report 2023
3 golden rules Influence Marketing TikTok

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