[Customer Testimonial]

Pascale Venot


Pascale Venot (Press Office) has taken a digital turn for a few years and has integrated the acquisition and engagement lever of Influencer Marketing as a priority in its global strategy.

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Throughout its different campaigns, the agency Pascale Venot entirely adapts to its clients’ briefs, to their goals and wishes in order to suggest relevant KOLs profiles (Key Opinion Leaders) from micro to macro-influence.

Since the integration of the Kolsquare technological solution, Pascale Venot has been able to set up and manage some twenty Influencer Marketing campaigns. According to its clients’ ongoing projects, the agency involves between 50 and 600 different influencer profiles which it manages to identify in a more qualitative and precise manner..

Download now Pascale Venot's testimony on how to exploit Influencer Marketing and their use of the Kolsquare platform.

Kolsquare is a platform dedicated to Influencer Marketing, providing tools and expertise in order for you to achieve successful campaigns with the best influencers.
